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A study in shapes and shadows, the Still Life I Oil Painting fills your space with a sense of dimension and contemporary style. This piece evokes thoughts about the refined process needed to create works of art; every plane, angle and curve speaks to quality artistry. An homage to the striking impact of minimalism, this oil painting features contrasting tones that cement the overall composition as bold, modern and refined.
This painting is sold as an individual unit. All other works of art shown with this piece are sold separately.
Oil Painting on Canvas, Plastic Frame
Silver and Black Frame
37"W x 2"D x 54"H
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*Please note, some items include an additional assembly fee.
Deluxe delivery fees will increase for shipping addresses that are approximately 100 city miles or more from store locations. Enter your zip code before checking out or contact your local store to confirm the corresponding zone for your zip code.
A study in shapes and shadows, the Still Life I Oil Painting fills your space with a sense of dimension and contemporary style. This piece evokes thoughts about the refined process needed to create works of art; every plane, angle and curve speaks to quality artistry. An homage to the striking impact of minimalism, this oil painting features contrasting tones that cement the overall composition as bold, modern and refined.
This painting is sold as an individual unit. All other works of art shown with this piece are sold separately.
A study in shapes and shadows, the Still Life I Oil Painting fills your space with a sense of dimension and contemporary style. This piece evokes thoughts about the refined process needed to create works of art; every plane, angle and curve speaks to quality artistry. An homage to the striking impact of minimalism, this oil painting features contrasting tones that cement the overall composition as bold, modern and refined.
This painting is sold as an individual unit. All other works of art shown with this piece are sold separately.
Oil Painting on Canvas, Plastic Frame
Silver and Black Frame
37"W x 2"D x 54"H
We are only able to ship products when available in your nearest Distribution Center (DC). When you input your zip or postal code into our tracker, it allows us to see which items are available to reach you from your nearest DC. Some products will be ineligible to ship to your location based on availability in your nearest DC. We are not able to ship items from a split shipment, which includes products available in your nearest DC and a further DC. Some items may become available in your DC over time.
*Please note, some items include an additional assembly fee.
Deluxe delivery fees will increase for shipping addresses that are approximately 100 city miles or more from store locations. Enter your zip code before checking out or contact your local store to confirm the corresponding zone for your zip code.
Dania Furniture | 03-13-2025
*Prices and availability subject to change without notification.
A study in shapes and shadows, the Still Life I Oil Painting fills your space with a sense of dimension and contemporary style. This piece evokes thoughts about the refined process needed to create works of art; every plane, angle and curve speaks to quality artistry. An homage to the striking impact of minimalism, this oil painting features contrasting tones that cement the overall composition as bold, modern and refined.
This painting is sold as an individual unit. All other works of art shown with this piece are sold separately.
Name Still Life I Oil Painting |
SKU F27*22-C2-G4007N-1IL |
Price $279.00 |